Kite is a programming language for the Retroputer that is designed to be easy to learn and use, while also being useful and stepping stone to other programming languages. It's also intended to be easy to parse and quick to execute.

Design principles:


    0 // Random Number Game
   10 fn main
   20   print("Random Number Game")
   30   print("")
   40   print("I've chosen a number between 0 and 100. You have to try to guess it.")
   50   repeat
   60     playGame()
   70     let response = prompt("Try again?")
   80   until lowercase(response) not in ["y", "yes"]
   90 print("Ok, bye! Have fun until next time!")
   99 end fn main
  200 fn playGame
  210   const num = floor(random() * 100)
  220   let tries = 0
  230   let guess = 0
  240   repeat
  250     print("Try #" + string(tries))
  260     guess = number(prompt("Your guess?"))
  270     when
  280       guess < num then print("Nope! Too low.")
  290       guess > num then print("Wrong! Too high.")
  300       else print("Wow! You got it!")
  310     end when
  320     tries = tries + 1
  330     if tries > 20 then print("Oops! You ran out of turns.")
  330   until guess == num or tries > 20
  340 end fn playGame
fn double
  take x
  give x * 2
end fn double

double(2) => 4
map([1, 2, 3], double) => [2, 4, 6]

map([1, 2, 3], fn << x >> x * 3) => [3, 6, 9]

fn lowerCharCode
  take charCode
  if charCode in [65 .. 91] then charCode = charCode + 32
  give charCode
end fn lowerCharCode

fn lower
  take str
  give split(str) |
      map(_, ord) |
      map(_, lowerCharCode) |
      map(_, stringFromCode) |
end fn lower

lower("HeLlO") => "hello"